
It's More than Red and Blue.

Navigate the web with logical rigour. Detect emotional language, rhetorical tricks, and logical errors in media online.

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What Does LogicLens Do?

LogicLens is a browser extension that employs a combination of state-of-the-art AI models to critically analyze text on the internet. Our models are purpose-built to identify and highlight instances of:

  • Loaded Language

    Words and phrases that attempt to influence an audience by appealing to emotions rather than logic.

  • Rhetorical Devices

    Persuasive techniques used in writing or speech to convince or influence the audience.

  • Logical Fallacies

    Errors in reasoning that weaken an argument.

For each identified instance, LogicLens provides concise, easy-to-understand explanations, empowering users to navigate online information with critical awareness.

Insertion of Doubt
A common rhetorical trick

Bob put Mary in charge of a commission that would identify supposedly wasteful programs that should be eliminated.

“Supposedly” is often used to indicate that the speaker doubts the truth of the statement.[1]
More neutral wording without endorsement or doubt would be “Bob put Mary in charge of a new commission with the stated aim of eliminating wasteful programs.”

Why Choose LogicLens?

Instant Analysis

Get real-time, on-demand insights into the rhetorical nature of web content from social media feeds to news articles.

Information Shield

Protect yourself from misleading information and political agendas.

Understand the Argument

Improve your own reasoning skills by understanding how arguments can manipulate.


“Incredible, I'm floored. The potential of this type of tool is mind-boggling.”



Reddit User

“The more things like this out there, the more people will be inoculated against bullshit.”



Reddit User

“F****** fantastic. Journalists should use it. I should use it.”



Reddit User

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